A-Team Characters

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From the A-Team's leader, John "Hannibal" Smith, to some of the lesser known characters like Colonel Lynch, this is the guide to the characters and the actors that played them. Click on the links below to view the information:

The A-Team

Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith - The leader of the A-Team was forever "on the jazz" and just loved to pick fights with the head honcho of the bad guys. Find out more about Hannibal and the man that played him, George Peppard.

Captain "Howlin' Mad" Murdock - The even-more-mentally-imbalanced-than-the-others pilot seemed to be proud of his "condition". The part was brilliantly acted by Dwight Schultz.

Lieutenant Templeton "Face" Peck - The A-Team's pretty-boy was good with the women, but when it came to fights Face was usually nowhere to be found. Find out more about Dirk Benedict.

Sergeant Bosco "B.A." Baracus - Mechanic and general hard bloke, nicknamed B.A. on account of his bad attitude. Mr.T was the stunningly brilliant actor that played him.


Amy Allen - Was the newspaper reporter that accompanied the A-Team during series 1 and 2.

Tawnia Baker - Accompanied the A-Team in much the same role as Amy Allen.

Frankie "Dishpan" Santana - Became the "fifth member" of the Team in the 5th series, but never really managed to fit in.

The Bad Guys!

Colonel Lynch - Attempted, in vain, to catch the A-Team throughout series 1.

Colonel Decker - Chased the A-Team due to the grudge he held against them from his time in Vietnam. Appeared in series 2-4.

General Harlan Fulbright - Nicknamed "Bull", General Fulbright pursued the A-Team during series 4, but had a change of heart about them in his last episode.

General Hunt Stockwell - Stockwell captured the A-Team during series 5 and then forced them to do his bidding. Played by that "Man from U.N.C.L.E", Robert Vaughn