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Poll 4: Who was your favourite character who was not part of the Team?

Amy Allen
Tawnia Baker
Colonel Lynch
Colonel Decker
General Stockwell
There were... other characters?

Current results

Poll 3 Results: DO you think the old cast should be used in the upcoming "A-Team Movie"?

No, they're too old. (12)****** 5%
Yes, definately. (169)*************************************************************************************************** 71%
Only Mr.T. No one else could play B.A. (50)***************************** 21%
I don't care. (6)*** 2%
votes 237.
The strength of feeling for having the old cast was overwhelming, with 71% opting for all of the original cast (with the exception of George Peppard of course) and 21% wanting only Mr. T to appear. Whether Fox Studios will take any notice of the obvious is more unclear. Rumours seem to suggest that Fox will use an entirely new cast, which only 5% of you agreed with.

Poll 2 Results: Did the A-Team commit the crime they didn't commit?

No. Fool! (149)*************************************************************************************************** 85%
Yes, they're lying. (19)************ 10%
What are you talking about? (4)** 2%
The A-Te..? Who? (2) 1%
votes 174.
The expected results were produced, with a massive 85% of people voting for the "No" option. However, some (rather stupid...) people disagreed and stated that the A-Team did commit the crime they didn't commit. Hmmmm....

On top of this, 4 people were baffled by the question (understandable I think) and 2 people had no idea who The A-Team were. Why they were visiting this site in the first place remains a mystery...

Poll 1 Results: Who is your favourite A-Team character?

     Unsurprisingly, Murdock won this one and received 37% of the votes cast (I still can't see how Murdock could be more popular than B.A. Pah!). Face came in second with 20% (obviously getting votes from the girls). B.A. and Hannibal were next with 16% and 12% respectively. Bizarrely there were as many votes for Hannibal as for the "Other" option. Someone out there must like Colonel Lynch, Amy et al...